Hearing Aid Costs & Payment Options

Once you’ve decided you need a hearing aid the next question most people ask themselves is, “What is it going to cost and how am I going to pay for it?”

To help you, we’ve mapped out information on pricing and payment options.

Man handing over credit card to pay for hearing aids

About Hearing Aid Prices

First, before anyone can tell you the right way to improve your hearing, you’re going to need a hearing assessment to determine the type and degree of hearing loss you have. 

Second, the type of hearing loss you are experiencing and the degree of hearing loss you suffer from will play a role in which hearing solution we recommend.

Third, picking the right hearing enhancement device or hearing aid depends on how you plan to use it. 

If you just want to hear your TV better, you may be surprised at how little it could cost. 

If you want a hearing aid that filters out background noise, so you can be part of the conversation at a busy restaurant or family gathering, you’re going to need a more sophisticated device. Of course, the more different situations you use your hearing aid in, the more value it will provide. Sure, you may pay a bit more to get all the functions you want, but you’ll enjoy life a lot more too.

What’s affordable depends on both the price and the value the hearing aids provide. The bottom line is, you get what you pay for. But before you worry about the price, the first thing to do is get your hearing assessed. Then the next step is to look at payment options.

What’s the Best Way to Pay for Your Hearing Aids?

We’re dedicated to helping our patients in Saskatoon, SK find the right hearing aids at affordable prices. Let us help you find the best payment option to suit your personal needs.

A receptionist accepting payment for hearing aids.

Using Insurance To Pay For Hearing Aids

Let us spend the time on hold and see if you already have any hearing aid benefits. You pay for your insurance, let us help get the most out of it! Call or text us today.

Using Your Credit Card To Pay For Hearing Aids

We accept all major credit cards, which provide you with a quick and easy way to pay for your hearing aids.

We are licensed to provide hearing healthcare to:

  • Private patients/Private insurance
  • Veterans (Department of Veteran Affairs – DVA)
  • RCMP
  • Worker’s Compensation Board (WCB) for all provinces
  • Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) for First Nations and Inuit
  • Supplementary Health Benefits
  • Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID)
  • Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS)
Veteran Affairs Benefits logo
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Health Benefits Logo
Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board logo
Non-Insured Health Benefits Logo
Saskatchewan Supplementary Health Benefits Logo